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Sweet Sixteen Apple Tree


Developed by the University of Minnesota, this is one of the best-tasting, sweetest, cold-hardy apples that we’ve found. Sweet Sixteen is super sweet with a richly complex flavor—similar to vanilla with just a hint of molasses. It’s a taste-treat like no other. It’s a delight for snacking, fruit salads and no-sugar added applesauce.  Sweet Sixteen Apple Tree is extra hardy and long-lived even in harsh conditions. Cold-hardy apple with a unique yellow-red flesh and sugar sweet flavor. Perfect for fresh eating.


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Sweet Sixteen Apple Tree

Developed by the University of Minnesota, this is one of the best-tasting, sweetest, cold-hardy apples that we’ve found. Sweet Sixteen is super sweet with a richly complex flavor—similar to vanilla with just a hint of molasses. It’s a taste-treat like no other. It’s a delight for snacking, fruit salads and no-sugar added applesauce.  Sweet Sixteen Apple Tree is extra hardy and long-lived even in harsh conditions. Cold-hardy apple with a unique yellow-red flesh and sugar sweet flavor. Perfect for fresh eating.

Latin Name: Malus domestica
Site and Soil: All apples like 1/2 day to full sun and well-drained soil.
Rootstock Description: Semi-dwarf rootstock
Pollination Requirements: All apples need another variety nearby for pollination. Neighboring trees often offer sufficient pollen for good fruit set.
Hardiness: Hardy to minus 30° F or below.
Bearing Age: 2-3 years after planting
Size at Maturity: 16-20 ft.
Bloom Time: April
Ripening Time: Mid September
Yield: 30-50 lbs.
Pests & Diseases: Resistant to scab and blight
USDA Zone: 3

Weight 4 lbs
Root Stock

Dwarf Rootstock, Semi-Dwarf Rootstock


2 Gallon, 20 Gallon, Bare Root

Shipping Season


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