Homesteader’s Kaleidoscopic Perennial Kale Grex
Homesteader’s Kaleidoscopic Perennial Kale Grex was developed by plant breeder and brassica-ologist Chris Homanics from crossing the perennial kale bush varieties ‘Purple Tree Collard’ and ‘Daubenton’ to a variety of other colored kales, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and more. Out of this grex (mix) came all sorts of leaf shapes and colors. Long and thin to ruffled, smooth, flat, or wide. Colors like yellow green, red, dark purple, variegated white and pink, and solid green.
Selected from the beginning for flavor and texture with the kitchen in mind. Loved by chefs and the eaters alike. Careful selection of thousands and thousands of plants over years has honed in on the hardiest and longest living plants which vigorously grow to become large sprawling bushes. These are huge perennials bigger than typical kale and need at least 3 feet apart!
Trialed successfully in most regions of the country. Growers will find it performs well both in drought and winter cold down to zone 6. Once winter sets in, you will be surprised as some of the plants will begin to show beautiful splashes of color.
Most plants will flower in the second year and then continue growing later in the season. You can create new plants by taking woody stem cuttings of your best plants. Finally, in the early Fall, prune these plants to stimulate fresh new growth as you would other perennials.
Post your pictures – show what you grow!
From the Head, Hands, Heart
Thanks goes to our friend Graham Jenkins-Belohorska for his forethought and luck in achieving the initial cross between bush kales, finally showing that it was possible to get seed again from these plants.
Released under the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) license which reads:
“You have the freedom to use these OSSI seeds in any way you choose. In return, you pledge not to restrict other’s use of these seeds or their derivatives by patents or other means, and to include this pledge with any transfer of these seeds or their derivatives.”
As required by the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Washington Crucifer Seed Quarantine this seed was tested by OSU and found to be free from Blackleg fungus (Leptosphaeria maculans).