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Empire Apple Tree


One of the best McIntosh crosses, with McIntosh and Delicious in its parentage, Empire Apple Tree features deliciously sweet and sharp aromatic fruit. An easy tree to grow and relatively disease resistant.

SKU: 0184 Categories:

Empire Apple Tree

One of the best McIntosh crosses, with McIntosh and Delicious in its parentage, Empire Apple Tree features deliciously sweet and sharp aromatic fruit. An easy tree to grow and relatively disease resistant.

Help your bare roots grow with the Transplanting Bundle found here.

Latin Name: Malus domestica
Site and Soil: All apples like 1/2 day to full sun and well-drained soil.
Rootstock Description:
M-7 is considered a semi-dwarf rootstock growing 12-16 ft. in height. M-7 is very hardy and adapted to most soils. Vigorous, drought tolerant, and well anchored, trees on M-7 should not require staking.
Supporter 4 is a dwarf rootstock
Pollination Requirements: All apples need another variety nearby for pollination. Neighboring trees often offer sufficient pollen for good fruit set. Consider Mason Bees to help pollinate and increase fruit production.
Hardiness: Hardy to minus 30° F or below.
Bearing Age: 2-3 years after planting
Size at Maturity: Dwarf 8-12ft. / Semi-dwarf 12-16 ft.
Taste: Sweet, aromatic
Fruit Skin: Red
Fruit Flesh: White
Bloom Time: April
Ripening Time: Early August
Yield: 30-50 lbs.
Pests & Diseases: Empire Apple Tree can be affected by Apple Scab although it is considered resistant. Apple Scab is more prevalent in regions with wet springs, like we have in the Pacific Northwest. While it doesn’t seriously affect the eating quality of the fruit, it can cause black spots on the apples and foliage. Apple Scab can be controlled by sulfur and other sprays. Codling Moth can create wormy apples and aphids can damage the foliage of apple trees.
USDA Zone: 4-8

Weight N/A

2 Gallon, Bare Root

Root Stock

Dwarf Rootstock, Semi-Dwarf Rootstock

Shipping Season


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