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Brilliant Blue African Lily


An excellent dwarfing form of African Lily, Brilliant Blue features some of the deepest blue flowers of any Agapanthus we’ve seen.

SKU: BBLU Categories:

Brilliant Blue African Lily

An excellent dwarfing form of African Lily, Brilliant Blue features some of the deepest blue flowers of any Agapanthus we’ve seen. A very easy one to grow in pots and also in borders where temperatures don’t drop below 15°F. Mostly deciduous in winter and should be hardy for us here in the Northwest if given a good winter mulch.

Latin Name: Agapanthus x ‘Brilliant Blue’
Site and Soil: Prefers well draining soils in full sun. Drought tolerant once established.
Hardiness: 15º Fahrenheit 
Size at Maturity:  1-2′ high by 1-2′ feet wide
Bloom Time: July through October, and sometimes even later
Pests & Diseases: None
USDA Zone: 8b

Weight 4 lbs
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