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Blueberry Bundle

Original price was: $73.80.Current price is: $66.42.

Extend Blueberry season and save with our Blueberry Bundle of 4 unique & delicious varieties.


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25 in stock


22 in stock


This Blueberry Bundle includes each of the following varieties:

Biloxi Southern Highbush Blueberry

Finally a blueberry for areas that don’t receive any chill hours! Biloxi Southern Highbush Blueberry is a low to no chill blueberry making it a great pick for the deep South as well as California growers.

Chandler Blueberry

Perhaps the world’s largest blueberry, this outstanding selection from New Jersey bears spectacular, cherry-size, delicious fruit. Chandler Blueberry begins ripening in mid-summer and harvest extends over several weeks.

Cabernet Splash Blueberry

A fantastic new introduction in the “delicious yet ornamental” category, Cabernet Splash blueberry produces a deep wine red foliage in spring that eventually settles to a mottled green in summer and then alights in color again in fall turning fiery red. The berries are large, early ripening and similar tasting to Toro.

Razz Blueberry Bush

Razz Blueberry Bush looks like a blueberry but taste like a raspberry! Robust and hardy Razz produces good yields of medium to large berries, that ripen midseason. Its plump, powdery blue fruits, with unique raspberry undertones in their flavor, are excellent for eating fresh, and for culinary uses.

Don’t forget Blueberry Plant Fertilizer! If you want lots of juicy blueberries, it’s critical to keep your blueberry plants happy and healthy with the correct type of fertilizer. Down to Earth Acid Mix is the best organic fertilizer we have found. You will be pleased with abundant crops when you fertilize your Blueberry Bushes at least twice a year – once May and again in July.

Click here to read our Blueberry Growing Guide

Latin NameVaccinium corymbosum
Site and Soil: Blueberries like 1/2 day to full sun and well-drained, acidic soil. You can try our Acid Mix Fertilizer which is Specially Formulated for Blueberries.
Pollination Requirements: Blueberries are self-fertile but produce more when there is more than one variety. This bundle is perfect for cross pollination. Add Mason Bees to achieve maximum yields.
Hardiness: All the Blueberries in this Blueberry Bundle are hardy to minus 30° F.
Bearing Age: 2-3 years after planting. It is best to remove blossoms for the first 2 years to promote faster growth
Size at Maturity: 5-6 ft. in height.
Bloom Time: April
Ripening Time: May – August
Yield: 15-20 lbs.
Pests & Diseases: Proper plant maintenance like watering, feeding, pruning, and clean-up will keep fungal and insect problems at bay. Scare birds away with Mylar Flash Tape or deter them by covering your plants with netting.
USDA Zone: 4

Weight 16 lbs

1 Gallon

Shipping Season


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