Richmond’s Purple Tree Collard
Richmond’s Purple Tree Collard is one of our favorite plants in the perennial vegetable world! Enjoy delicious and colorful greens all year with this amazing perennial kale that can live up to 20 years. The Richmond’s Purple Tree Collard was selected for its beautiful foliage as well as its particularly sweet leaves which are tastiest in cold weather but can be eaten year round.
Even tastier than typical collards and perennial too, tree collards are an essential piece of the perennial vegetable garden. While most brassicas are biennial, flowering in their second year, perennial tree collards continue vegetative growth for many years without flowering. While you may occasionally see a few flower buds on tree collards picking them off will allow the plant to continue in its vegetative stage. Or if you are looking to breed your own perennial kale let it flower! Grow out the seeds and you might find a brand new tree collard! *USDA Hardiness: Zone 8 Latin: Brassica oleracea
Latin Name: Brassica oleracea
Site and Soil: Tree Collards like 1/2 day to full sun and well-drained soil.
Hardiness: Hardy to 15° F and perhaps lower once established
Bearing Age: 1 year after planting.
Size at Maturity: 5-10 ft. in height.
Pests & Diseases: White flies & aphids
USDA Zone: 8b