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Ya Li Asian Pear


This classic, productive, pear-shaped, Chinese variety makes a fine ornamental and fruiting tree. Its juicy, crisp and sweet fruit turns a beautiful waxy yellow when ripe. In addition, in the fall you can enjoy Ya Li’s burgundy-red foliage.

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This classic, productive, pear-shaped, Chinese variety makes a fine ornamental and fruiting tree. Its juicy, crisp and sweet fruit turns a beautiful waxy yellow when ripe. In addition, in the fall you can enjoy Ya Li’s burgundy-red foliage.

Latin Name: Pyrus pyrifolia
Site and Soil: Asian Pears like full to half day sun and well-drained soil.
Rootstock Description: A vigorous and very productive rootstock for Asian Pears, Pyrus betuaefolia produces trees 10′-12′ in height. P. bet grows well in both heavy and light soils.
Pollination Requirements: For cross-pollination, plant two Asian Pear varieties or one Asian Pear and an early blooming European variety like Ubileen or Rescue.
Hardiness: Hardy to minus 25° F.
Bearing Age: 1-2 years after planting.
Size at Maturity: 10-15 ft. in height
Taste: Sweet, crisp
Fruit Skin: Yellow
Fruit Size: Medium
Bloom Time: Early April
Ripening Time: August
Yield: 50+ lbs.
Pests & Diseases: Resistant to fire-blight.
USDA Zone: 4-9


Weight 5 lbs

Bare Root

Shipping Season


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