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Spider’s Web Variegated Fatsia


Japanese aralia has been a popular landscaping shrub in the south and the northwest for decades, but the Spider’s Web variegated Fatsia brings the shade garden fireworks to a whole new level!

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Spider’s Web Variegated Fatsia

Japanese aralia has been a popular landscaping shrub in the south and the northwest for decades, but the Spider’s Web variegated Fatsia brings the shade garden fireworks to a whole new level! The unique variegation pattern changes as the leaves age, emerging first a nearly pure white then fading to highly speckled and eventually turning mostly green with occasional speckles and variegation around the edge, making for a beautiful tri-tone effect! Plants take a couple years for this variegation pattern to fully show itself but when it does it adds a whole new texture to shady corners of the garden. Grows to about 5′ tall and as wide, possibly larger with great age. Also makes a spectacular and low maintenance houseplant.


Latin NameFatsia japonica ‘Spider’s Web’
Site and Soil: A variety of soils, so long as they’re well draining in full to part shade
Hardiness: Hardy to about 0 F.
Size at Maturity: 5-6 ft. in height by 5′ wide
Bloom Time: Late October-December
Pests & Diseases: None that we have observed
USDA Zone: 7

Weight N/A
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