This Mexican native forms an attractive, evergreen, small shrub growing to about 5 ft. in height. Pitiona- Oaxaca Lemon Verbena is prized for its beautiful white, pink and lavender flowers and its mint and lemon scented, aromatic foliage, which is very popular for flavoring Mexican food such as mole and other sauces. Pitiona- Oaxaca Lemon Verbena likes half-day to full sun and is very drought resistant. In the Northwest and other northern regions Pitonia should be grown in containers and protected from frost.
Latin Name: Lippia alba
Site and Soil: In spring, summer and fall, keep your potted Pitiona in a location with 1/2 day to full sun. In the winter, place your plant in a well-lit room. Potting soil should be coarse and well-drained.
Pollination Requirements: None needed
Hardiness: Should be hardy to 15º F.
Leaf Type: Evergreen
Flower Color: Pink and lavender
Taste: Mint and lemon scent
Size at Maturity: 4-5 ft. in height
Pests & Diseases: We have not noticed any pest or disease damage to our plants.
USDA Zone: 8b