Persimmon Rootstock – Diospyros virginiana
We use American Persimmon Rootstock, Diospyros virginiana for all of our grafted persimmons. Our American Persimmon seedlings are vigorous and disease resistant and widely compatible with all Asian and American persimmon varieties we’ve tried on them. American persimmon seedlings have no dwarfing effects on the tree. The overall size of your tree will depend on the scion you use. It is recommended that you graft dormant scions onto rootstocks that have already broken dormancy and are just beginning to leaf out. Wrap the entire scion in grafting tape to keep it from desiccating and put it in as warm and humid a space as possible. We’ve heard of persimmon grafters applying foil to the graft union to increase the amount of heat on the union but we have not tried this.