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Greek Mountain Tea


Our new favorite Mediterranean herb! We don’t know how we’ve gone this long in life without Greek Mountain Tea (Sideritis syriaca). 

SKU: 6970 Category:

Greek Mountain Tea

Our new favorite Mediterranean herb! We don’t know how we’ve gone this long in life without Greek Mountain Tea (Sideritis syriaca). Coming to us from high elevations around the Mediterranean Sea, Greek Mountain Tea has long been valued as a medicinal herb for treating colds, aches, inflammation, insomnia, and… lack of tea. Downy white leaves look just like wooly lamb’s ear and help shade the leaf surface from the high UV rays that beat down on the Mediterranean hillsides. Yet another tough, gorgeous and useful dry summer plant that loves our climate. Plant in well draining soil in full sun. Can make tea from the leaves or pick newly budding flowers in the early morning to dry or use fresh.

Latin Name: Sideritis syriaca
Site and Soil: Full sun in well draining soil.
Hardiness: Tea is hardy to about 0° F.
Size at Maturity: 18 inches in height by 2-3′ wide.
Bloom Time: September-November
Pests & Diseases: We have not observed pest or disease damage on our Tea plants.
USDA Zone: 7-10

Weight 4 lbs

5.5" Banded Pot

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