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Fred Boutin Lavender


Our favorite lavender for foliage, Fred Boutin Lavender features especially silvery foliage that really glows at the edge of a border or along a path where it will guide your way with reflected light at night. Flower spikes are especially long on Fred and the flowers bloom for a very long period. Not the most fragrant of lavenders, but the foliage can’t be beat!

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Fred Boutin Lavender

Our favorite lavender for foliage, Fred Boutin Lavender features especially silvery foliage that really glows at the edge of a border or along a path where it will guide your way with reflected light at night. Flower spikes are especially long on Fred and the flowers bloom for a very long period. Not the most fragrant of lavenders, but the foliage can’t be beat!

Latin Name: Lavandula x intermedia ‘Fred Boutin’
Site and Soil: Full sun and very well-drained soil. Drought tolerant evergreen
Hardiness: Hardy to -20° F.
Size at Maturity: 2 ft in height by 2 ft feet wide.
Flower Color: Purple
Bloom Time: late spring long blooming
Pests & Diseases: No pests or diseases that we’ve seen on our plants here in Portland.
USDA Zone: 5

Weight N/A
Shipping Season



3.5" Pot, 1 Gallon

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