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Colossal Chestnut TC Tree

Original price was: $69.95.Current price is: $39.95.

*These Colossal Chestnuts were produced through tissue culture propagation and are therefore on their own roots. These are true clones of Colossal but without any of the drawbacks of grafted trees that can sometimes fail.*

This hybrid of Japanese and European Chestnut, Colossal Chestnut Seedling is disease resistant and bears abundant crops of large, sweet nuts.

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Colossal Chestnut TC Tree

*These Colossal Chestnuts were produced through tissue culture propagation and are therefore on their own roots. These are true clones of Colossal but without any of the drawbacks of grafted trees that can sometimes fail.*

This hybrid of Japanese and European Chestnut, the Colossal Grafted Chestnut is disease resistant and bears abundant crops of large, sweet nuts. Beautiful , large spreading nut trees, Chestnuts feature long, tropical looking, glossy green foliage and showy cascades of fragrant, yellow male catkins in mid-summer. In the fall you can harvest bountiful crops of sweet and nutritious nuts encased in unique, spiny, golden brown balls. Unique among nuts, Chestnuts are high in starch and are delicious roasted or boiled. If you do not eat your nuts shortly after harvest, it is best to refrigerate them in plastic bags to keep them from drying out. Chestnuts like well-drained soil, full to half day sun and can grow 25 ft. or more in height at maturity. They are hardy to minus 25 degrees F., USDA Zone 4 and usually begin bearing 2-4 years after planting. Plant two or more plants for cross-pollination.

Latin Name: Castanea sp.
Site and Soil: Colossal Chestnuts like 1/2 day to full sun and well-drained soil.
Pollination Requirements: Plant at least two trees for nut production
Hardiness: Chestnuts are hardy to minus 25F.
Bearing Age: 3-4 years after planting
Size at Maturity: 40-60+ ft. in height
Bloom Time: June
Ripening Time: Late September
Yield: 50+ lbs.
Pests & Diseases: Chestnuts are not bothered by pests or diseases in our region. Colossal Chestnuts are reportedly resistant to Chestnut Blight, a disease that affects some Chestnuts in the central and eastern parts of the US.
USDA Zone: 4
Sunset Western Zone: 2-9, 14-17
Sunset Northeast Zone: 31, 32, 34-41

Weight 4 lbs
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