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Cascade Sunburst Evergreen Huckleberry


An incredible new selection of evergreen huckleberry that will be sure to light up understory plantings everywhere and add a burst of that beloved Cascade sunshine to the garden all year round. As versatile a shrub as the evergreen huckleberry is, it’s with great jubilation that we can now grow a variegated selection. The bright coral pink new growth contrasts beautifully with the variegation of older foliage, and the dark berries add even more interest and deliciousness in the fall.


Cascade Sunburst Variegated Evergreen Huckleberry

An incredible new selection of evergreen huckleberry that will be sure to light up understory plantings everywhere and add a burst of that beloved Cascade sunshine to the garden all year round. As versatile a shrub as the evergreen huckleberry is, it’s with great jubilation that we can now grow a variegated selection. The bright coral pink new growth on Cascade Sunburst Evergreen Huckleberry contrasts beautifully with the variegation of older foliage, and the dark berries add even more interest and deliciousness in the fall.

Variegation on Cascade Sunburst is mostly stable but you might sometimes find a branch that has reverted back to its green form. Prune these branches or young shoots off when you see them to maintain the variegation of the foliage.

Additional Information:

Latin NameVaccinium ovatum
Site and Soil: Can grow in sun or shade and likes moist, well-drained soil.
Pollination Requirements: Evergreen Huckleberry is self-fertile.
Hardiness: Hardy to minus 10° F.
Bearing Age: 1-2 years after planting
Size at Maturity: 3-4 ft. in height in full sun, 6-8 ft. in shade
Taste: Sweet, juicy
Fruit Skin: Dark blue
Bloom Time: May
Ripening Time: September
Yield: 2-3 pints
Pests & Diseases: Evergreen Huck is not bothered by pests or diseases
USDA Zone: 6-9

Weight N/A
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